AmigaSoc UK
N e w s

AmigaOS added to the Sucks-Rules-O-Meter courtesy of AmigaSoc

We all know that the Amiga is by far the best computer available, thanks to both the great hardware and operating system. Now this information has been correlated on the Internet for everyone to see. The Operating-System-Sucks-Rules-O-Meter searches the Internet for references to various Operating Systems to build up a graph of which OS's suck and which rule. Whilst this may not be an accurate measure of how good an individual operating system is it certainly reflects public opinion.

Until recently the Amiga had been absent from the Sucks-Rules-O-Meter simply because there were no references to it sucking or ruling on the Internet. However AmigaSoc recently noticed web pages containaing the phrase AmigaOS rules (including this very page), and notified the maintainer of the meter to add an entry for AmigaOS.

If you would like to add your voice to the meter you will need to place the phrase "AmigaOS rules" or "AmigaOS rocks" somewhere on your web pages and wait for them to be indexed. For extra bonus points you might also like to add "Windows sucks" (or any other operating system of your choice) to your site as well.

Finally a couple of words of warning. As the meter compares operating systems, not computer systems you must reference AmigaOS and not simply Amiga. The phrase "Amiga rocks" will not register on the meter. In addition please note this warning which appears on AltaVista's adding a URL page if you do decide to alter your pages to effect the meter.

AltaVista is an index, not a repository for pages of low or misleading informational value. Attempts to fill it with misleading or promotional pages lowers the value of the index for everyone. Left unchecked, this behavior would make Web indexes worthless. We will disallow URL submissions from those who spam the index. In extreme cases, we will exclude all their pages from the index.

If you have any further questions please read the Sucks-Rules-O-Meter FAQ.